Interview with Andy Ramage, One Year No Beer (half way up Snowdon!)

This week I had one of the best days of my life climbing up Mount Snowdon.

Scaling a mountain is quite an experience in itself but it was mainly because I was with a group of people that I have grown very close to over the last few months, since I decided to have a break from alcohol (which you can read a bit more about here), through One Year No Beer.

Despite forming very strong bonds with these people this was first time I had met a large proportion of them. I will write a more in-depth blog about the whole adventure in a future blog.

Anyone fancy a pint?

However, half way up the mountain, I grabbed the opportunity to quickly interview Andy Ramage (one of the co-founders of OYNB), about the organisation, the community and how having a break from alcohol certainly isn't boring!

Since joining OYNB I have found myself getting dragged into crazy things that I wouldn't have previously considered. So in April I will be taking part in a Spartan Race with Ruari Fairbairns, the other half of One Year No Beer so will try and catch a few words with him also.

And if you are interested in the 28 Day Alcohol Free Challenge  book you can find out a bit more about it here.


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